Friday, October 05, 2007

Today of last year

It was a year since I had a viva exam last year (27th Sept. 2006).

Then the time afterwards was a suffering one. I had to go through many corrections, which took me about 4 months to finish, from October 2006-January 2007.

When it was finished, it was such a relief. However, life at that time was not peaceful. I still had to wait for comments from the examiners (both internal and external ones).

The internal one was OK, but I had to wait for about 4 months from the external one cos he was very busy. It was also an Easter holiday in the UK for almost a month, though. I was in stress and hoped that everything would go well.

It was such a stress cos some people in my office failed to finish the PhD and most of everyone thought it was embarrasing. Some of them got only the M.Phil. Degree.

Their failure was mostly caused by their love lives. Some had problems with their couples. One girl chose to get pregnant during her study without getting marrried. The life after that quite failed and was full of gossips.

Finally, I could pass the stressful situation, a clear-cut one without doubt.

That was the life of a PhD student.

...............Broken-hearted but survivable..............................

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